Finish Date - How to query without the time element



I have a procedure where the parameter is the task finish date.
I want the person to supply the day as the parameter (eg 12-14-05) without
having to specifiy the time component
For example, i want all tasks that have a finish date of 12-14-05 regardless
of whether they finish at 8am, noon, 5pm or whatever time.

my problem is that the finish date may be 12-14-05 17:00:00 in the project
Unless the parameter is supplied as 12-14-05 17:00:00, the procedure won't
return results.

How do i truncate the time piece of datetime so that when the paramter is
supplied as 12-14-05, all tasks whose finish date is 12-14-05 xx:xx:xx are
returned regardless of what's in the xx:xx:xx's ..

Ray McCoppin

Try something like this

WHERE CONVERT(varchar(25), CAST(@mydate AS datetime), 1)
= CONVERT(varchar(25), TASK_FINISH_DATE, 1)

Cast your parmeter to datetime, when convert it to a format that does not
include the time and compare it to you field converted to the same format

Mike Glen

Hi Troy,

Try posting on the server newsgroup as this one is closing down. Please
see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other
useful Project information can be seen at this web address: .

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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