Finished with Outlook (and Office!) 2k7 - going back to 2k3!



I've had it with Outlook 2k7, and to be frank, with the whole Office 2k7 Pro
in general. Outlook is the major Office app I use, and the issues ith it are
too great for me to keep trying ot overlook:

1. Outlook doesn't display the new mail icon for email sent to a folder
other than the inbox via rules: Sorry, but I thought this was only an
annoyance...after several weeks of dealing with it, it's a huge PITA.

2. Outlook 2k7 is *significantly* slower than 2k3: yes, I've tried all the
suggestions, but they've been no help. I've taken my PST file to another PC
that still has Outlook 2k3 on it, and no slowdowns. WTF! Just switching
folders is slow, and with the amount of email I get, I can't stand it.

3. I don't care what people say, the new "ribbons" are annoying as hell: I
prefer the classic look. I have XP set to classic, and that's all I want. I
don't care for the three color schemes Microsoft has, and I can't see
businesses caring for them either. This isn't a Mac or Linux, stop trying to
look like one.

4. Advanced features in Office 2k3 (especially complex macros or
formatting) don't work right in Office 2k7, and need to be re-done. With the
amount of documents I deal with, it's not worth the headache.

That being said, IMHO Micro$oft once again is trying to force down the
consumers (and businesses) throats what *Micro$oft* thinks people needs. And
once again, they've got it wrong. Office 2k3 Pro works like a champ, and
that's what I'll be sticking with, unless Micro$oft does a major overhaul to
Office 2k7 (which I don't see happening.)

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

What company is Micro$oft?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Hans asked:

| I've had it with Outlook 2k7, and to be frank, with the whole Office
| 2k7 Pro in general. Outlook is the major Office app I use, and the
| issues ith it are too great for me to keep trying ot overlook:
| 1. Outlook doesn't display the new mail icon for email sent to a
| folder other than the inbox via rules: Sorry, but I thought this was
| only an annoyance...after several weeks of dealing with it, it's a
| huge PITA.
| 2. Outlook 2k7 is *significantly* slower than 2k3: yes, I've tried
| all the suggestions, but they've been no help. I've taken my PST file
| to another PC that still has Outlook 2k3 on it, and no slowdowns.
| WTF! Just switching folders is slow, and with the amount of email I
| get, I can't stand it.
| 3. I don't care what people say, the new "ribbons" are annoying as
| hell: I prefer the classic look. I have XP set to classic, and that's
| all I want. I don't care for the three color schemes Microsoft has,
| and I can't see businesses caring for them either. This isn't a Mac
| or Linux, stop trying to look like one.
| 4. Advanced features in Office 2k3 (especially complex macros or
| formatting) don't work right in Office 2k7, and need to be re-done.
| With the amount of documents I deal with, it's not worth the headache.
| That being said, IMHO Micro$oft once again is trying to force down the
| consumers (and businesses) throats what *Micro$oft* thinks people
| needs. And once again, they've got it wrong. Office 2k3 Pro works
| like a champ, and that's what I'll be sticking with, unless Micro$oft
| does a major overhaul to Office 2k7 (which I don't see happening.)
| ----------------
| This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
| suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click
| the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the
| button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft
| Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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