Firing Click Events with Accelerators



Following on from an earlier thread which asked how to select an optbutton
and fire its click event from the keyboard, a new issue arises. No criticism
is intended on the suggested code and I hope the contributor is able to see
this new thread.

In contrast to the more conventional method of keying in the button's
accelerator then spacebar to fire the click event, I used the suggested code
which avoids the spacebar as reducing keyboard effort is a desirable aim.

For brevity 1 button is shown as the last 2 subs are repeated with relevant
name changes for each new button required.

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As
Long) As Integer

Private Sub optYes_Enter()
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And &H8000 Then optYesValue =
End Sub

Private Sub optYes_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As
MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = Asc(UCase(lblYes.Accelerator)) And Shift = 4 Then
optYes.Value = True
End Sub

There are 2 scenarios:
1. 2 optbuttons, Yes and No, with appropriate labels. Function is to
provide choice to amend either a txtbox or combobox data. On selection,
focus is switched to the relevant control and the optbuttons hidden. An
accelerator key is attached to the label (not optbutton caption) and the tab
order is correctly sequenced to suit.
2. 1 optbutton which hides the frame in which it is located.

All 3 click events fire correctly using the mouse. Disarmingly, all 3 work
when using the conventional method of accelerator then spacebar:):) Using
the code above 1 event works but 2 fail at the point when trying to hide the

Click events:
Private Sub optYes_Change() 'Works as expected
cboVehReg.Enabled = True
lblYes.Visible = False
lblNo.Visible = False
optYes.Visible = False
optNo.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub optNo_Change()
cboVehReg.Enabled = True
lblYes.Visible = False
lblNo.Visible = False
optYes.Visible = False
optNo.Visible = False 'Fails here
cboVehReg.Value = ""
End Sub

The 3rd event in scenario 2 is similar.

I could understand if the cause of failure was in trying to hide the buttons
'recursively' ie before the control has lost focus but that works succesfully
in the other 2 handling methods. It also works with 1 button using this
method. Paradoxically it is the button that works which becomes the anomaly.

Does anyone knows what's happening here? I would appreciate your views.



Bob Phillips


I am probably not fully following you as I cannot reproduce the problem,.
but I wonder if it is caused by cascading events.

Try amending the code in this manner

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long)
As Integer
Private mEnableEvents As Boolean

Private Sub optYes_Enter()
If Not mEnableEvents Then
mEnableEvents = False
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And &H8000 Then
optYes.Value = True
End If
mEnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub optYes_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal
Shift As Integer)
If Not mEnableEvents Then
mEnableEvents = False
If KeyCode = Asc(UCase(lblYes.Accelerator)) And Shift = 4 Then
optYes.Value = True
End If
mEnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub


Hi Bob
I applied the suggestion and the results were:
with optYes - no action
with optNo - still the error 'Could not set the visible property. Unexpected
call to method or property access'. Meant to mention that in my first post.

Anything further thoughts would be appreciated.


Bob Phillips


Could post the whole form code in one full set?

And also re-explain the controls, what the controls are, their name,
containers, etc?




Hi Bob
This part of the project is nearly 3,500 lines long. I could maybe email
this part to you if you wish to put my question into context? It is
reasonably commented.


Bob Phillips

Okay, give a try.


Bob Phillips

Geoff said:
Hi Bob
This part of the project is nearly 3,500 lines long. I could maybe email
this part to you if you wish to put my question into context? It is
reasonably commented.



Tried to send to email as noted in the discussion group info. It has failed
twice can you assist please.


Bob Phillips



bob dot phillips at tiscali dot co dot uk

do the obvious with dot and at words.


it seems that a control which has focus cannot be hidden in some
event procedures.
i don't have good things but this is a way that i use, as a last resort,

'standard module
Sub HideControl()
UserForm1.optYes.Visible = False
UserForm1.optNo.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub optYes_Change()
If optYes.Value Then
cboVehReg.Enabled = True
lblYes.Visible = False
lblNo.Visible = False
'optYes.Visible = False
'optNo.Visible = False
'hide controls after this sequence ends
Application.OnTime Now(), "HideControl"
End If
End Sub


I too thought it may be a timing issue but the interesting thing now is the
HideControl sub is not being called. There is no error now as the proc is
not being called and therefore there is no attempt to hide the buttons. It
is at the hide point the Visible error occurs.
Wonder why HideControl is not called despite the line Application.Ontime
being read. My bet now is that focus is off doing something somewhere. But

I appreciate your further help.



I too thought it may be a timing issue but the interesting thing now is the
HideControl sub is not being called. There is no error now as the proc is
not being called and therefore there is no attempt to hide the buttons. It
is at the hide point the Visible error occurs.

set a break point on the line:

Application.OnTime Now(), "HideControl"

If the macro stops at the point, the procedure name might be different
or conflict.
try something like:
(assuming 'HideControl' is in 'Module1' in the same workbook)

Application.OnTime Now, "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!Module1.HideControl"


In short - still no. In both cases the optNo proc completes but without
calling for HideControl. Therefore no error is generated but the buttons
remian visible.

One thing I had not mentioned before; my original code for optYes_Change
included a LookUp function. Since using the GetAsyncKeyState code I have had
to place this function in the new optYes_Enter event else an error was
generated in the optYes_Change event

Private Sub OptYes_Enter()

If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And &H8000 Then optYes.Value = True
OpenSpeedo = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cboVehReg.Value,
Sheets(3).Range("G1").CurrentRegion, 3, False)

End Sub

It seems as though only certain things can be done within the optbutton
change event under these circumstances. In numerous new code tests I have
also had problems with SetFocus statements. The curious thing of course is
the original code worked with the mouse.

The differences in execution are: in the mouseup event, focus will be
directed to the optbutton, disregarding where it was prior to the click, the
procedure completes but focus is not returned to the previous position. In
other words the mouse click forces a 'GotFocus' condition. Maybe with the
GetAsyncKeyState code, focus may well be only diverted and the previous
control has not 'LostFocus'. This might explain the SetFocus problems. But
I do not understand why some statements are executed in the optNo proc. What
is different about Visible and VLookup. With VLookup it seems reasonable to
propose that focus is being switched to another object ie the worksheet but
can that be said of the Visible property?

I shall focus my efforts on focus mechanics:):)

Thanks so far



Ok we have resolved the issue - at least a good part of it.

With scenario 1, optYes and optNo, the control cboVehReg is responsible for
calling the optbuttons and it has an Exit event with a Cancel=True statement.
If optNo is selected, focus is switched back to cboVehReg, its data string
is cancelled and because of that Cancel = True and focus remains there. I
found if I placed the optNo.Visible=False in the cboVehReg_Exit event
everything worked as required.

With scenario 2, the single button to simply hide itself. There are no Exit
events prior to the optbutton call so I used your suggested Application.
Ontime statement. This worked.

Whether the errors were caused by focus or time is still not entirely clear
but at least now I have 2 methods with which to tackle the rest of the
projects optbuttons.

Many thanks for the original suggestion and for staying with the problem
which then emerged. Like another correspondent stated in the 'msgbox
transient' thread I am very grateful to the participants of this group for
the tremendous support it gives to the little guy. Thank you also Bob for
the kindness in looking at the form as a whole by email, I shall respond
further by email.


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