First letter of subject line in emails missing


Danny O

For about 2 weeks now the first letter of the subject line of each email I
send is removed. I am running MS Office Outlook 2007. I even disable my AVG
anti-virus program and that didn't help.


I am having the same problem on one of my computers. When I send or forward an email, the first letter in the subject line is lopped off. It is not a typing error. At present (when I remember), I place a space before my subject. I was out ot town for several days leading up to the 5th of May, 2008 but that was the date of the first occurrence. The last Outlook updates on my machine occurred two weeks earlier.

I have only come across a handful of people with the same problem but noone responded with a viable solution to the individuals who requested them. I hope someone in here can help.


Also, it does not appear to be related to any virus/spyware/firewall programs. Further, apparently some people had the same issue with Outlook 2003.


I am having the same problem with Outlook 2003. Turned off AVG 8 email
scanner and Anti spam scanner with no success.


Okay folks, after waiting too long I took one of the posters suggestions and uninstalled AVG 8.0 and reinstalled AVG 7.5. Turning off AVG 8.0 had no effect. I do not know if AVG 8.0 was the issue but...

Problem fixed.


Brian Tillman

malts said:
Okay folks, after waiting too long I took one of the posters
suggestions and uninstalled AVG 8.0 and reinstalled AVG 7.5. Turning
off AVG 8.0 had no effect. I do not know if AVG 8.0 was the issue

Problem fixed.

It also likely would have been fixed if you had uninstalled AVG 8 and
reinstalled it without the mail integration feature. You shouldn't be using
it with AVG 7.5 either.

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