First line of each paragraph streaked



This is my first post.

The first line of each paragraph that I print out using Word 2003 is cut off
at the very top. The other lines are fine and when I print out from the
Internet, there is no problem.

Has anyone experienced this or know what I can do about it?
Thanks so much, Susan

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Actually, this is your second post (with the same question). Is it the first
line of each paragraph or just the first line of each page? What are the
Space Before, Space After, and Line Spacing settings in the Format |
Paragraph dialog.


Thank you for your reply, Suzanne. The top of each line of each paragraph is
streaked. If I type only one line paragraphs this doesn't happen. With 2 or
more lines it is streaked.

Space before is set at 0 pt
Space after is set at 0 pt
Line spacing setting is single

I tried to set the space before and after to auto but it didn't help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Hmm. I had thought that perhaps Exact line spacing might be a contributing
factor, but that's clearly not the problem. Is this happening in all
documents? If so, then it's likely a local setting and not something I could
troubleshoot, but if it's happening in just one document, I could take a
look at it. You might have a look at the Compatibility Options (Tools |
Options | Compatibility) that affect line spacing (scroll down to find any
that look likely) and experiment with them.

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