first post in webdesign



Hi, this is my first time posting in this NG. I hope you can help me out
with a few questions.
-I would like to learn how to make my own web site. want a max of 10 pages
for now. Would like ecommerce ( it is for a small family business) MAYBE in
the future. Heard its pricey to have. Dont know for now.
-WOuld like to learn how this website stuff works. I can get a domain with
yahoo for $2.99 which is good for 1 year. I understand the part that it is
just the name. But, what else do I need. Server, host? what do they do?
anything else? do they mean the same thing?
-I dont mind doing the work (pictures, text,etc). I just dont know how to
get started and which host to use.
-Is there a monthly charge to pay for the service?
I want a www.??????? .com kind of site. Perferably not a www,
business. com type site.
I downloaded Yahoo's website builder program and can practice on that one.
But, do they need to host my website made from that program, or can I pick
someone else.
ANy links, personal experiences or opinions (on costs too) would be greatly
Sorry if I posted in the wrong group.
WIndos XPSp2 Home edition.



Yes your post is in the wrong group, mate. This group is for web design
using Microsoft Publisher. I am not sure if Geocities' servers support HTML
files created with programs other than their own web builder, but I see no
reason a priori why they shouldn't.

I doubt if a $2.99/yr domain name will be the "" which you
seem to require. You will also need to open an account with a web hosting
service in order to have your web site reside on their server.



There is lots to learn, but a good source for registering a domain name is:
They will also host your site, and provide web building software that offers
pretty basic templates.

Also read the material David Bartosik, the local MVP, has prepared for using
Publisher for building a basic static site. The article on the left of this
page would be good to read:

Also refer to the recommendations of a web host and read some of the various
articles here:

Consider using MS FrontPage or some such more specialized software from the
beginning if you think you are going to want a more sophisticated site in
the future.

If you really are serious about learning, spend some time understanding HTML
at sites such as:

Google is your friend...



Godaddy is terrible. Their hosting is garbage. Nothing but problems and
a worthless
customer service.


Good feedback. I registered my domain names there without problems, but have
not used their hosting service...thanks.



THanks for your advice.......which brings me to this next question.
With so many "help" forums in the net, can you all direct me to reputable
forums that can help people with questions about web sites, and one that
wants to make one.
I have posted in MS forums for many other issues, I assume that there are
internet safe & reputable places one can post to and get help from 'gurus'
willing to give their time to answer questions and help. thanx

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