Kevin Stecyk said:
Is there a way to deal with ties? Say for example that 2nd and 3rd place
students have tie scores. Is there a way to address that?
I had a solution very similar to yours but I was unable to deal with "ties",
so I am curious if that can be dealt with easily.
Been addressed before in this newsgroup. It all depends on how ties should
be broken. First off, if you want the top 3, it doesn't really matter if 2nd
and 3rd are tied. It *DOES* matter if 3rd and 4th are tied, and in that
situation why would one student with the same score as another be excluded?
Still, if ties may be broken arbitrarily, entry order is the most convenient
way. If the scores were in a single column, add
to all scores, where ScalingFactor is half the smallest possible difference
between any two scores. No more ties. But that's inelegant.
So, to pull the students (possibly more than 3) with the 3 highest scores,
using the previously mentioned layout (names in col A from A2, scores in col
B from B2, but I'll restrict myself to rows 2 to 101), use these formulas.
D2:E2 as an array formula
D3:E3 as an array formula
Select D3:E3 and fill down as far as needed. If only 3 students may be
pulled even if there are several tying for the 3rd highest score, only fill
D3:E3 into D4:E4.