Fiscal Month capability


Defense Contractor

There are a lot of posts looking for a fiscal month capability. We use a 4-4-5 fiscal pattern here at one of the major Defense contractors. At this time we have to use other programs such as MPM to do earned value and the main reason is that without this capability, project's own EVMS fields are useless. Actual costs are not closed at the end of annual months.

All of the solutions talk about exporting the data and re-arranging it in the fiscal pattern of choice. That completely wipes out your project server & portfolio vision. We want the ability to look at CPI/SPI across all the projects in a portfolio, but the months are not "the" months.

There are project tools surfacing that are tied to SAP and the like that we as a company are closely looking at. If you don't quickly provide a fiscal month capability (down to the what days are in each month), I believe the company will migrate away from this tool.

I'd be happy to meet and talk if you reply. Thanks.

Mike Glen


I think you'd better address these comments to Microsoft, as just airing
them here will have little (if any) impact.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


I'm not sure about there being a "lot of posts" but if Microsoft is
not planning on developing the capability, would you be interested in
an add-in that provides the capability? If so, contact me.


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