Fisher statistical law


Vincent Isoz


I'm trying to calculate de cumulated probability Fisher law for the degress
of freedom df1 and df2. Is this possible with MS Excel?

Actually I always have to go trough the ANOVA on way tool and this is
boring. Any idea?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Vincent,

I'm not sure what you want, but it sounds like you already use the Analysis
ToolPak. Which tool are you picking from there?

Excel has a spreadsheet function:

You should look throught the Statistics category of functions and see if any
of them ring your bell.

Vincent Isoz

Thanks for your answers. But the tree functions that you have listed are not
the real Fisher functions as we know in Statistics: the ration of two khi-2
variable divided by their respective degree of freedom.

Jerry W. Lewis

The ratio of two chi-squared variables divided by their respective degrees of
freedom follows's Snedecor's F distribution, which was named in honor of
Fisher, but AFAIK was never used by Fisher. The Excel functions FDIST and
FINV support Snedecor's F distribution. Note that FDIST calculates the upper
tail (one minus the cdf) of the distribution and FINV is its inverse.

What Fisher used (and still included in the final posthumously publised
edition of Fisher & Yates "Statistical Tables") was the distribution of Z =
LN(F)/2, which is related by
cdf_z(z,df1,df2) = FDIST(EXP(2*z),df1,df2)
inv_z(p,df1,df2) = LN(FINV(1-p,df1,df2))/2


Vincent Isoz

Thanks. FDist and FInv are exactly the functions i was looking for. It's
curious that they don't appear in the function assistant wizard when you type
the word "fisher"...

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