Yebbut! It works. You only have to do it once per collaboration. How
else do you get rid of styles based on normal style? It is easy to get
a reputation as the one person who cares about styles and typography
and who can keep the paragraph numbers working, Then you are home free!
If I were managing a large work environment, then I would have a rigid
regime for making sure it never got out of control. The closest I ever
got was handing out copies of "Bend Word to Your Will" to anyone that
looked like they had enough brain cells. Which was effective. Once you
have a reasonable population of well formed documents it settles down
nicely (as you well know ;-) )
You're dead right, cela va sans dire. I must say there are so many
advantages -- unless I am only doing a quick review of a document which I'll
never revisit -- that like you, I now invariably do a complete re-assignment
of styles. You probably saw that mentioned in the thread "Has anyone noticed
Word performance improvements with Tiger?" last week.
In several contexts I've been making progress lately with refining a palette
(toolbar) to do all the formatting someone will need in order to format a
particular type of document. The toolbar is easy -- the main problem is
efficiently and quickly training up the user to keep their sticky hands off
the default toolbars, especially for things like bullets and numbering.
However, with the help of some of my colleagues lately I'm making real
progress with the accompanying notes. Last week I prepared a document with
page 1 containing hyperlinks to the "first time" notes and "reminder" notes,
which are at the end of the document. The 3rd hyperlink is to notes on how
to finish the document for publication, including deleting page 1 and the
notes at the back, and attending to a few finishing touches.
Eventually I'll put them in the "Bend Word to Your Will" template -- the
present example there is more complex than it ought to be (but like you, I
have a day job).
I'll keep you posted ;-)
[Loquacious? Jamieson's Run 1996. Mmm.]