Fix for file open/save problem


Charles Kenyon

This problem is well known to readers of this newsgroup. Your links are a
bit out of date.

See: You may experience problems in Windows Explorer or in the Windows shell
after you install security update MS06-015

If you aren't comfortable with editing the Windows registry yourself, then
go to and scroll down to Item
No. 383 "Hewlett-Packard's Share-to-Web software - Fix". Download and run
the script to automatically modify your registry as described in KB918165.
You may need to temporarily disable your antivirus program in order to run
the script.

A revised version of the update is supposed to be released today, Tuesday,
April 25, to fix these problems.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


Patricia said:

This is the sort of thing that I was discussing earlier. It is absolutely disgraceful that a supplier of a product should issue an "update" (ie improvement) that then
disrupts people's use of the product so that they have to expend time downloading fixes to fix the fix. To my mind that is a breach of Sale of Goods Law that a product
should be suitable for its intended purpose. And it's why some of us hang on to mature and trusted software even if a new super-duper version is touted. Once bitten
twice shy. I just don't trust them. Surely a paying customer is not a free tester? And groups like this, where many people spend their valuable time helping others,
should not have to devote their energies to righting the wrongs of manufacturers.

Having said that, I must say as one who was into word processing right from Electric Pencil (who remembers that?) and then via WordPerfect (DOS) to Word, the more I use
and learn about Word the more I believe it to be an extremely complicated and well-thought out product, with an enviable help facility that puts other products into the
shade, for example even Excel.

Patricia Shannon

Thanks. I'll put this on my msg. It's hard keeping up with the latest on
this problem, esp. because I was out part of last week with bronchitis.
Also, I don't have time to look at every msg on the boards. I tried to get
something helpful out there because I saw people still having the problem,
and thought it might avoid other helpful people having to give the same msg
over & over. I have had several people leave msgs thanking me, and saying
that the info I gave was helpful to them.
If someone else would like to volunteer to go put the latest info on a bunch
of these boards regularly, I would be delighted. It seems to me someone from
Microsoft should be doing so.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Given that users are no more likely to read your post before posting their
questions than they are to read any of the dozens of others offering the
solution, I don't see how it's really helpful.

Ed Bennett

To my mind that is a breach of Sale of Goods Law that a product
should be suitable for its intended purpose.

Then ask for a full refund on your free security update.

Patricia Shannon

Several readers responded to my posts last week thanking me and saying it had
helped them.


Thanks, Charles! Your tip proved saved me this morning! I was about
ready to uninstall and reinstall Word. Instead, I followed the link and
solved the problem within minutes.


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Really? I found numerous instances in the Word, Excel, Visio,
Powerpoint, Publisher, and Office newsgroups where you
multiposted "your" fix (by the way, it is poor netiquette to
multipost). But I could not find a single instance where anyone
replied to your post to say that your suggestion was helpful.

I did find three instances where you incorrectly offered "your"
fix in reply to a question/situation where "your" fix does not
apply, so you misled and wasted the time of at least three
people. Specifically:

If your objective is to be helpful, then that is an admirable
goal, but may I suggest that you focus your efforts on topics
where you have greater knowledge and experience. Like Suzanne, I
also fail to see how your numerous posts on this topic are
helpful to anyone. If you have a different agenda, then I hope is not talking about

Charles Kenyon

You are welcome. A revised version of the MS06-015 update was released that
supposedly interacts better with the older HP and nVidia
software. You can download the revised update from

For the latest info, see

The text of this message was lifted verbatim from other posts, primarily
those of garfield-n-odie.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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