fix #N/A error


Mrs T.

In a list of assessment data I have current test scores in column L and the
previous test score in column G. I have a formula that works out the
difference between the 2 scores... =IF(L12>0,L12-G12,"") into column M, but
this returns #N/A if no test result is entered into column L which is causing
problems when I'm trying to record a macro to automatically sort data. I have
tried to change the formula to lose the #N/A but am having to admit defeat!
Data looks like this

14 15 1
14 13 -1
14 14 0

Any help greatly appreciated!!
Mrs T

Mrs T.

Thank you both - the IF(COUNT worked perfectly. The IF(ISNA returned a
#VALUE! error, maybe because the data in column L comes via
=IF(K12="","",LOOKUP(K12,$AK$12:$AK$55,$AL$12:$AL$55)) or more likely
because I've messed it up in the translation!!
Thanks again
Mrs T

Mrs T.

P.S. you're all absolutely was an #N/A error in column M but I
managed to fix the #N/A error in column L (more good luck than good
management!) and the error in M had magically transformed itself into a
#VALUE! error without my notice. I'd bet my life a man designed Excel - give
me plain and purl knitting any day!!!
Mrs T :)

Ronald R. Dodge, Jr.

Glad to hear your issues has been fixed. I also have in the past ran into
both errors, #NA! and #VALUE! depending on the set of circumstances. In
most cases dealing with lookups, I use the functions of IF, ISERROR, MATCH,
INDIRECT, and ADDRESS like the following



Ronald R. Dodge, Jr.
Production Statistician
Master MOUS 2000

Mrs T.

Thanks for the advice Ronald, all help is greatly appreciated and I'll
definitely give it a go.
Mrs T

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