fix-up Office:Mac v.X



I moved a couple of documents from Word in Windows xp to my new
MacBook. The Office Mac 2004 Test Drive's Word opens those documents
correctly. But I have installed my licensed Office:Mac v.X, 2001, and
that older version of Word does not open the documents correctly. Is
there any thing I can do, download, upgrade, to make the old version I
own open my documents correctly?



Well, first let's get straight what version of Word - is it Office v.X
(which runs in OS X - 10.x.x) or is it Office 2001 (which runs in Classic -
9.x.x)? Although it may not make much difference.

The most probable source of conflict is the 2004 Test Drive. It must be
removed using the Remove Office utility *before* installing the live version
of X or 2004, so it looks like you'll have to uninstall *all* versions, then
reinstall X & apply the 10.1.9 update. See this page for some advice before
doing so:

I'm not sure how the Test Drive affects 2001 but I would imagine it's the
same deal. It was my impression that Classic isn't supported in the current
OS X (10.4.x) on Intel Macs in the first place.

If Remove & Install doesn't correct the situation you'll need to provide
some specific detail as to what the problem is - "...does not open the
documents correctly" doesn't disclose anything. You'll also need to mention
what version of OS X including update level as well as details about the
file(s) involved - format, content, PC Word version, how you "moved" them,

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