Fixed Decimal Override


Lewis Clark

Hello, Group

I have Excel 2003 set for 2 fixed decimal places. So an entry of "125" goes
into the cell as "1.25"

For whole numbers, the help screen says I can enter "125." (note the decimal
point) and that typing the decimal will override the 2 fixed places and get
"125.00" into the cell. But this does not work - Excel treats "125." the
same as "125" and "1.25" gets entered into the cell.

BUT - when I enter "125.0", the desired value of "125.00" gets in the cell.

Is this a known bug? Is there an easy way to manually override the fixed
decimal place setting by typing in the decimal point? In other words, can I
make Excel do what the documentation says it does?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Harald Staff


This is not a known bug. This is a known improvement. What you describe was
the behavior in Excel up to version XP. The improvement came in Excel 2003,
so you have to type 125.0 which is just as many keystrokes as 12500 but just
a little slower.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

Lewis Clark

I'm not so sure it is an "improvement", but I agree it is a change. If only
Microsoft would update their online help screen to match the way the program
operates .... :(

Thank you very much for your reply.

Peo Sjoblom



Harald Staff said:

This is not a known bug. This is a known improvement. What you describe was
the behavior in Excel up to version XP. The improvement came in Excel 2003,
so you have to type 125.0 which is just as many keystrokes as 12500 but just
a little slower.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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