Fixed Decimal point



I know This is an excel newsgroup But I cant seem to find the answer to my
question anywhere so I figured I would ask it here.

I am using Quattro pro and I want to be able to fix a few cells decmal
points like you can do on an adding machine. Example if I were to type 1234
it would automaticly show up as 12.34. Ideally I would like it to show up as

I was using Excell at work and found something that moved the decimal over
for me, but it did it for the whole page not just where I needed it.



Thanks but that did not seem to work. I entered it exatly hoy you typed it.
Selection.NumberFormat = "$0.00;-$0.00;-"
Once with out the word selection.
What I end up with when I put what you said in is that code in every cell
instead of the numbers? Any ideas what I could be doing wrong.

Patrick Molloy

I cut and pasted it to a module & it worked perfectly.

Option Explicit
Sub test()
Selection.NumberFormat = "$0.00;-$0.00;-"
End Sub

Pardon me for asking, but are you familiar with writing code?


No I am not too familar with writing code...LOL thats prolly my problem.

Maybe I am going to the wrong place but I don't think so, I am going to the
dialog box that shows all the different formats one can choose and I am
selecting custom. then in the code box labeled Format code I am typing in:
Selection.NumberFormat = "$0.00;-$0.00;-"

If this is not where I am supposed to go please point me in the right
Well anyways thanks for your help, you are the only one that has even tried
to help so I thank you for trying.

Tom Ogilvy

No, you should just type in the format you want where it says format code.
Patrick was including how to do it in VBA code as well since this is the
programming group.


or you might want


But I thought you said you were trying to do this in Quattro Pro?

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