Since I've just posted this answer at the end of a very long thread,
thought I would paste it here in a new thread. It seems to me that man
people have suffered the problem.
If Word 2003 (or possibly 2000 and XP as well) keep prompting you t
save your Normal.dot file and you have followed all the advice in th
Mircoosoft Knoweldgebase and some of the MS MVP articles and advice
but to no avail, then the following might well help.
Please excuse any typos and the long lenght, but I don't have the tim
to format nicely or shorten my prose! Good Luck.
At last, at last, at last! I've found it... please all take not
(especially the MS Word MVPs - who can, as they always do, really hel
with this one by spreadking the word - who knows, even into
Knowledgebase article).
My particular problem was caused by a dll lurking in th
Windows\System32 folder called "btsendto_office.dll" and wa
preinstalled by Dell as part of the BlueTooth suite on my notebook.
have no idea at this stage whether this software is proprietary to Del
or is a standard OEM package. But in any case, the way I discovered i
might well help others.
Yes, there are Macros, Addins, VBA, etc., lurking in the startu
folders, the templates and addins list in the tools menu, and also a
Com addins (found by adding the option to the menu or toolbar). Bu
mine was totally hidden, and here's how I found it (probably bleedin
obvious now - but no one anywhere I've read has yet mentioned it):
Note: This is all Word 2003 - don't know / can't remember ho
applicable it will be to Word XP or 2000, but suspect it won't be fa
1) Start Word and Go to Tools / Macro / Security.
2) Set the Security Level on the first (Security Level) tab to Medium.
3) Click on the the second (Trusted Publishers) tab and uncheck bot
the check boxes. (You may need to "remove" any trusted publishers i
the list, although I didn't have any there).
4) Click OK and close Word.
5) Start word again...
It will now start telling you about all these other hidden addins / an
pieces of VBA code. In addition to the btsendto_office.dll, I als
noted several from Microsoft living in the Program Files / Common File
/ Microsoft Share / Smart Tags folder that wanted to load. However th
latter had a certificate, so I was able to trust them.
Because my btsendto_office.dll did NOT have a certificate...
6) I was then able to repeat step 2 and turn Macro security back t
high. It loads the Microsoft Smarttag addins (not sure what they ad
over and above the core code, but I've kept it in any case), bu
doesn't load my btsendto_office.dll becuase it's not signed.
Yours may be the same or similar, but I bet you will find additiona
addins / vba code that don't show up as previously described by the M
KB articles and our MVP friends. Of course, the btsendto_office.dl
file shouldn't mark my Normal.dot as changed, and that is where th
real fault is, but clearly Microsoft are happy for developers to loa
stuff into Word via the registry without the user having any contro
over this (despite the Tools / Teamplates and Addins functionality).
BTW, the same procedure in Excel reveals the btsendto_office.dll, bu
in this case it doesn't upset my personal.xls file, so I don't have th
same problem.
If this works for you, please do spread the word (excuse the pun)!
Thanks, sincerely, to all those who have attempted to resolve thi
problem. It exists in many other newsgroups and forums, so if you hav
time - it would help all!
Since I've just posted this answer at the end of a very long thread,
thought I would paste it here in a new thread. It seems to me that man
people have suffered the problem.
If Word 2003 (or possibly 2000 and XP as well) keep prompting you t
save your Normal.dot file and you have followed all the advice in th
Mircoosoft Knoweldgebase and some of the MS MVP articles and advice
but to no avail, then the following might well help.
Please excuse any typos and the long lenght, but I don't have the tim
to format nicely or shorten my prose! Good Luck.
At last, at last, at last! I've found it... please all take not
(especially the MS Word MVPs - who can, as they always do, really hel
with this one by spreadking the word - who knows, even into
Knowledgebase article).
My particular problem was caused by a dll lurking in th
Windows\System32 folder called "btsendto_office.dll" and wa
preinstalled by Dell as part of the BlueTooth suite on my notebook.
have no idea at this stage whether this software is proprietary to Del
or is a standard OEM package. But in any case, the way I discovered i
might well help others.
Yes, there are Macros, Addins, VBA, etc., lurking in the startu
folders, the templates and addins list in the tools menu, and also a
Com addins (found by adding the option to the menu or toolbar). Bu
mine was totally hidden, and here's how I found it (probably bleedin
obvious now - but no one anywhere I've read has yet mentioned it):
Note: This is all Word 2003 - don't know / can't remember ho
applicable it will be to Word XP or 2000, but suspect it won't be fa
1) Start Word and Go to Tools / Macro / Security.
2) Set the Security Level on the first (Security Level) tab to Medium.
3) Click on the the second (Trusted Publishers) tab and uncheck bot
the check boxes. (You may need to "remove" any trusted publishers i
the list, although I didn't have any there).
4) Click OK and close Word.
5) Start word again...
It will now start telling you about all these other hidden addins / an
pieces of VBA code. In addition to the btsendto_office.dll, I als
noted several from Microsoft living in the Program Files / Common File
/ Microsoft Share / Smart Tags folder that wanted to load. However th
latter had a certificate, so I was able to trust them.
Because my btsendto_office.dll did NOT have a certificate...
6) I was then able to repeat step 2 and turn Macro security back t
high. It loads the Microsoft Smarttag addins (not sure what they ad
over and above the core code, but I've kept it in any case), bu
doesn't load my btsendto_office.dll becuase it's not signed.
Yours may be the same or similar, but I bet you will find additiona
addins / vba code that don't show up as previously described by the M
KB articles and our MVP friends. Of course, the btsendto_office.dl
file shouldn't mark my Normal.dot as changed, and that is where th
real fault is, but clearly Microsoft are happy for developers to loa
stuff into Word via the registry without the user having any contro
over this (despite the Tools / Teamplates and Addins functionality).
BTW, the same procedure in Excel reveals the btsendto_office.dll, bu
in this case it doesn't upset my personal.xls file, so I don't have th
same problem.
If this works for you, please do spread the word (excuse the pun)!
Thanks, sincerely, to all those who have attempted to resolve thi
problem. It exists in many other newsgroups and forums, so if you hav
time - it would help all!