Fixed Tables



I've got a table with fields in it and the number of
characters for some fields are limited to 1000 (or
whatever). If I hit the ENTER key when I'm finished
entering info in the field or at the end of my character
amounts, the table will expand down another row and push
the rest of the form down and eventually to another page
if I keep hitting ENTER. I want to have my form fixed
where nothing moves when I hit enter, it would just move
to the next field like it does when you hit the tab

I can do this in Adobe but would like to be able to do it
in a word doc form.


Peter Hewett

Hi Todd

These comments are based on the assumption that the "fields" in your table
are FormFields (one of the following field types: wdFieldFormCheckBox,
wdFieldFormTextInput and wdFieldFormDropDown) please advise if this is not
the case.

I don't know of a practical way to remap the Enter key to the Tab Key. Also
I'm not clear on whether the use of the Enter key is prohibited anywhere in
the FormField or just at the end?

But the following approach may work for you:

1. Lock the row/cell height of the table elements you do not want expanded.
2. Add an on exit macro to every FormField that you do not want expanded to
strip any embedded or trailing Enter keys. Use the VBA constant vbCr in your
code to represent the enter key. Note, if you code your procedure carfully
you'll be able to use the same OnExit procedure for all Form Fields.

Also, check out the following link, it has lots of useful info relating to
working with both Tables and Protected Forms:

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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