Steve Horrillo
Al the website's in my sig were designed with Front Page. When I use Front
Pages error check it's showing me dozens of errors. I'm not blaming FP being
that I did a lot of moving things around and changing fonts. But please take
a look at the source for say, www.brokeragenttraing.com or
www.over100percent.com. It amazes me it even works. The extra tags are just
over the top! Is there any quick way to clean up this awful code? I remember
Jimco had some utilities for that but will it work on a mess like I have?
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht.
http://BrokerAgentTraining.com (MLXchange & Computer Training for Real
Estate Professionals)
http://over100percent.com (Realtors Earn Over 100 Percent at EXIT Realty)
http:/HipFSBO.com (Object to Paying Commission? Find a FSBO Friendly Real
Estate Professional)
http://eLOWn.com ("Got a heartbeat?" Get a loan! Credit Repair Library)
Pages error check it's showing me dozens of errors. I'm not blaming FP being
that I did a lot of moving things around and changing fonts. But please take
a look at the source for say, www.brokeragenttraing.com or
www.over100percent.com. It amazes me it even works. The extra tags are just
over the top! Is there any quick way to clean up this awful code? I remember
Jimco had some utilities for that but will it work on a mess like I have?
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht.
http://BrokerAgentTraining.com (MLXchange & Computer Training for Real
Estate Professionals)
http://over100percent.com (Realtors Earn Over 100 Percent at EXIT Realty)
http:/HipFSBO.com (Object to Paying Commission? Find a FSBO Friendly Real
Estate Professional)
http://eLOWn.com ("Got a heartbeat?" Get a loan! Credit Repair Library)