Fixing the Normal Template



SOLUTION FOUND: I've read that a number of folks using Word 2003 have
experienced trouble with the cursor appearing at the very top of a new
document (Normal template) and the top margin doesn't display in Layout View,
although it's correct in Print Preview mode. I too recently experienced this
very frustrating problem. After following the instructions of renaming the
existing Normal template so word would re-create a fresh Normal template and
even completely reinstalling Microsoft Office (neither of which corrected the
"problem"), I discovered an answer by Susan S. Barnhill that COMPLETELY
RESOLVES THE ISSUE. (So Susan, you totally rock!) However, her answer it's
kind of hidden so I hope this makes it easier to find.

If this is your problem, there's nothing wrong with your Normal template.
Instead, go to Tools>Options>View. Click the check box for White Space
between Pages and click OK. That fixes it!

For an explanation of this, see the following:

Thanks again to Susan S. Barnhill's expertise for this solution.

Sheila D

You can also just click at the top of the page which is what makes it so easy
to turn off!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Two quibbles:

1. My name is not Susan.

2. Users are unlikely to find the solution to the described problem in a
message titled "Fixing the Normal Template."

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