Flag problems with outlook


Richard Territt

Hi Guys,

have a strange one for you, i have had a couple of users for the last couple
of months that gets randomly emails that are unable to be flagged or if
already flagged unable to change to a tick , if they restart outlook they are
able to edit this option,

The strange part is that this isn’t with all messages when it happened, the
users could have 10 messages and one or two of them will do this until
outlook is restarted, at first I thought this could be an problem with the
fact they have blackberries setup, but now I have a 3rd user with the same
problem but he doesn’t have a blackberry so it has to be an outlook problem,

Any ideas guys?

K. Orland

You may want to provide further information first, such as:

Version of Outlook
Type of Mail Account
If PST's are being used
How is Outlook mail being directed to the Blackberries
What troubleshooting steps you've already taken (so no one tells you to do
the same thing over again)
If there are any application event viewer errors related to Outlook or Office

Richard Territt

Sorry guys, i dont often work with office problems,

Version of Outlook - 2003
Type of Mail Account - Microsoft Exchange Server
If PST's are being used - Users are not using PST's
How is Outlook mail being directed to the Blackberries
What troubleshooting steps you've already taken (so no one tells you to do
the same thing over again) - Just the basics, restarted pc and outlook,
deleted mailbox and added again,
If there are any application event viewer errors related to Outlook or
Office - Not that i have seen when on the users pc,

thanks again

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Cache mode? I see it every now and again - there is a sync error of some
sort but you don't usually find copies of the message in the sync errors
folder (although I never check the server failure folder). It usually
corrects itself a few hours later (and allows me to set the flag), without
restarting outlook.

I have no idea what might trigger it.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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