Flag Short Cut + Flag Allignment



I am using ON sp1 on a dell latitude. If i try using
s/cut crtl+1 to set a flag ON either crash or ignores the
keystrokes. However if I initially use the menu and then
follow with shortcut(s) during the same session it works.
Any ideas?

Another question is whether there is a simple way of
aligning (left/RH/Center) my flags that I have all over
the page?

Thanks for any help

Erik Sojka

I've never experienced that bug and I use both the KB shortcut and the
toolbar buttons to set flags. If ON is crashing the Dr. Watson reporting
screen should come up. Go ahead and let it send the crash info to MS so
that they can analyze it and hopefully come up with a fix for after SP1

The flags always get placed at the left of the line. That cannot be
changed. What you may be seeing is the different alignment of your
paragraphs or note containers.


Thanks for the quick reply. OK I guess what I should have
asked is how to align a number of selected containers?


Maybe it's just me, but I tried Help to investigate "the "snap to grid"
command. Help reports "not found" for "snap", "grid" or "snap to grid". I
also selected a group of note continers scattered around the page, clicked
menu bar edit | snap to grid, and nothing changed. Is there some other way
to collect the scattered containers, and line them up at the left marging,
short of dragging them all around one at a time?

Chris H.

Are you running OneNote SP1? You should be able to find it, otherwise I
don't recall at this moment if it was part of the first release. Here is
SP1's Help information:
On the Edit menu, click Snap To Grid to turn on or off the automatic
alignment of objects on the page.
When Snap To Grid is turned on, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 automatically
aligns text, pictures, and other objects as you place or move them on the
page by snapping them to an invisible grid.

When Snap To Grid is turned off, OneNote lets you place or move items
anywhere on the page.

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Help | About says OneNote 2003 (11.6350.6350) SP1

One Note Help still shows nothing for the words snap or grid, and clicking
it after selecting a group of items on a page does nothing, apart from
amking a satisfying click sound on my mouse.

Are you running OneNote SP1? You should be able to find it, otherwise I
don't recall at this moment if it was part of the first release. Here is
SP1's Help information:
On the Edit menu, click Snap To Grid to turn on or off the automatic
alignment of objects on the page.
When Snap To Grid is turned on, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 automatically
aligns text, pictures, and other objects as you place or move them on the
page by snapping them to an invisible grid.

When Snap To Grid is turned off, OneNote lets you place or move items
anywhere on the page.

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

There are a few articles returned from a search of both offline and on-line
help when you search on the word "snap". Can you check at the bottom of the
help pane to make sure you are searching the online help (or offline, which
is a little out of date).

Snap to grid in any case only helps you as you move note containers
manually. There is no feature to align all your containers to the left

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team

PT said:
Help | About says OneNote 2003 (11.6350.6350) SP1

One Note Help still shows nothing for the words snap or grid, and clicking
it after selecting a group of items on a page does nothing, apart from
amking a satisfying click sound on my mouse.

Are you running OneNote SP1? You should be able to find it, otherwise I
don't recall at this moment if it was part of the first release. Here is
SP1's Help information:
On the Edit menu, click Snap To Grid to turn on or off the automatic
alignment of objects on the page.
When Snap To Grid is turned on, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 automatically
aligns text, pictures, and other objects as you place or move them on the
page by snapping them to an invisible grid.

When Snap To Grid is turned off, OneNote lets you place or move items
anywhere on the page.

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Grant Robertson

also selected a group of note continers scattered around the page, clicked
menu bar edit | snap to grid, and nothing changed.
As with most 'snap to grid' features in most software, it only works as
you are dragging an object around on the screen. You will notice that the
'snap to' grid is spaced about half of the distance of the visible grid,
whichever size you have that set to.

There just simply is no feature to automatically align all the writing
guides on a page. Nor is there a work around that is any easier than just
turning on the snap to grid and then aligning them by hand. This is why I
advocate using the grid ruled background, turning on the snap to grid,
and just aligning things as you write them.

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