Flag when a task is edited



Is there a formula to check if a task was edited?

I want to set a flag that if reources, hours or dates change that an
flag automatically goes off.

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Rob,
You can do that with a VBA procedure.
Use the BeforeTaskChange event in an event Class Module.
The begining of the Sub would be:

Private Sub App_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(ByVal tsk As Task, ByVal Field As
PjField, ByVal NewVal As Variant, Cancel As Boolean)
If Field = pjTaskDuration Then ... Enterprise Flag1 = True

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Changed by whom? Where? This functionality already exists in Project, if the
PM changes a published task and it already exists in PWA when a resource
makes an update to a task in View My Tasks page.

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