Flash cards


ON rookie

I may be completely mistaken, but I thought I read somewhere that OneNote
(and I have 2003) could make flash cards for me. I'm a student taking
anatomy and wanted to test myself with muscles on one side and its
innervation on the other. Is there an easy way I can do this??? Thanks!

ON rookie

I do have a tablet pc, and I've downloaded the education pack. I still can't
find it though. Where is it??? Thanks.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Did you install the Education Pack after downloading it?

There should be a new item in under the Start Menu with the Education Pack
programs under it.

Rainald Taesler

I may be completely mistaken, but I thought I read somewhere that
OneNote (and I have 2003) could make flash cards for me. I'm a
student taking anatomy and wanted to test myself with muscles on one
side and its innervation on the other.

Pls me for a dumb question:
I do not know the term "flash card" (other than as a piece of storage
hardware <g>).
Would you be as kind as to tell me what this is/means in order to help
me improving my English?


Rainald Taesler

Erik Sojka (MVP) shared these words of wisdom:
If you're using a Tablet PC, there is the free Education Pack

For me it's too said that neither the "Education Pack", nor the
"Experience Pack" can be installed on my system as it's exclusively
working under the English version the OS.

As a MVP do happen to have any insight on the reasons of these
And can I hope that these tools might be nationalized fro some major
other languages - at least as far as the install is concerned?


Erik Sojka (MVP)

It's a learning tool that students use. If you are learning a topic
which requires memorizing a list of facts/definitions/dates/etc. you
could use flash cards.

You take a pile of blank cards or a small pad of paper and write a word
on one side, and the definition on the other; one word per card.

Then you cycle through the cards to study. Pick up a card and look at
the word on one side and test yourself. Turn the card over to see if you
were right.

Rainald Taesler

Thanks a lot, Erik!

I know the instrument ;-) - it was jsut the term in English missing.


Erik Sojka (MVP)

I don't know about the schedules for internationalization of the various
tools and downloads. (Remember that MVPs are not MS employees)

I think you might have to just wait and see if more internationalized
versions of these tools are released. You may also want to ask in the
TabletPC newsgroup. Someone there might have more insight on the
internationalization schedule, since the Education Pack is more of a
Tablet PC Power Toy than a OneNote tool.

Rainald Taesler

Erik said:
I don't know about the schedules for internationalization of the
various tools and downloads. (Remember that MVPs are not MS

;-) I know ;-)
I think you might have to just wait and see if more
versions of these tools are released. You may also want to ask in
TabletPC newsgroup. Someone there might have more insight on the
internationalization schedule, since the Education Pack is more of a
Tablet PC Power Toy than a OneNote tool.

Will do so.


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