flash home page issue with frontpage


David Craker

I have a flash intro page called index.htm as a landing page, and a frontpage
web that has a normal home page called home.htm. (template used for this)

The flash intro loads when browser is directed to my domain
www.e-itsolutions.com.au and then once complete directs to the home.htm page
well and this is ok! and expected.

The navigation menu works ok throughout the pages except, the only issue is
that it allows the home page button on the nav bar/menu panel to reload the
domain address which resolves as www.e-itsolutions.com.au which is the flash
opening screen...

I love the flash but hate for people visiting to have to keep going back
there and turning off the flash to go on....

Is there a way that I can hard code the Home Page of frontpage nav menu to
call up www.e-itsolutions.com.au/home.htm as the home page selection on the
instead of index.htm?...

I would love a simple solution before I dig into html and coding with
notepad again.


Looks like you got it sorted out as it works my end


I have a flash intro page called index.htm as a landing page, and a frontpage
web that has a normal home page called home.htm. (template used for this)

The flash intro loads when browser is directed to my domain
www.e-itsolutions.com.au and then once complete directs to the home.htm page
well and this is ok! and expected.

The navigation menu works ok throughout the pages except, the only issue is
that it allows the home page button on the nav bar/menu panel to reload the
domain address which resolves as www.e-itsolutions.com.au which is the flash
opening screen...

I love the flash but hate for people visiting to have to keep going back
there and turning off the flash to go on....

Is there a way that I can hard code the Home Page of frontpage nav menu to
call up www.e-itsolutions.com.au/home.htm as the home page selection on the
instead of index.htm?...

I would love a simple solution before I dig into html and coding with
notepad again.

Jens Peter Karlsen[FP MVP]

What the default page should be called is a function of the Server, not
You can remove the link to Home and replace it with a link to home.htm.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

Stefan B Rusynko

No - you can not change the way FP handles the home page if you use nav bars/views
Whenever you use a splash page, (if your host supports subwebs) it is best to make your root web a 1 page web w/ only the splash
page and the main web a subweb
To do that,
Create an empty folder in your root web (say pages), and right click it to convert to web
Then publish your current root web to the new subweb (browse to it)
In the root web delete all but the splash page (using your home page file name) and the images & _private folders (delete their
content only) and create a link to the new subweb in your flash
Open the new subweb and delete the splash page (and related files)

| I have a flash intro page called index.htm as a landing page, and a frontpage
| web that has a normal home page called home.htm. (template used for this)
| The flash intro loads when browser is directed to my domain
| www.e-itsolutions.com.au and then once complete directs to the home.htm page
| well and this is ok! and expected.
| The navigation menu works ok throughout the pages except, the only issue is
| that it allows the home page button on the nav bar/menu panel to reload the
| domain address which resolves as www.e-itsolutions.com.au which is the flash
| opening screen...
| I love the flash but hate for people visiting to have to keep going back
| there and turning off the flash to go on....
| Is there a way that I can hard code the Home Page of frontpage nav menu to
| call up www.e-itsolutions.com.au/home.htm as the home page selection on the
| instead of index.htm?...
| I would love a simple solution before I dig into html and coding with
| notepad again.

David Craker

I found a fix, created a new custom link bar, attached it to the home.htm
file, then renamed the custom link bar "Home Page" then linked it back to

This gave me two Home Page buttons on the nav menu. To fix this I unselected
the home page button on the nav bars on all the lower level web pages.

This then gave me a single link button called Home Page at the top of all
the bottom level menus..... brilliant...

An excellent feature (custom link bars) for linking a page to many.... I
will use it to link a number of single product pages with separate folder
structures to my web store online this way.

David Craker

Rob, everything worked at first until I reset my hyperlinks iff the frontpage
toolbar . Afetr this the link worked but left no button display, it removed
the button overlay or the gif link. I strated to retrace in order to get it
back and created a false button called ssss. It kept this but when I went to
rename the link button back to Home Page, it would not work.....

I will attempt to spend more time today to fix it and for the moment have
removed the button and link...

I will try again...

Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®) said:
except now you have a button labeled sssss which tries to take you to sssss:sid1075 or something that doesn't exist.

| I found a fix, created a new custom link bar, attached it to the home.htm
| file, then renamed the custom link bar "Home Page" then linked it back to
| home.htm.
| This gave me two Home Page buttons on the nav menu. To fix this I unselected
| the home page button on the nav bars on all the lower level web pages.
| This then gave me a single link button called Home Page at the top of all
| the bottom level menus..... brilliant...
| An excellent feature (custom link bars) for linking a page to many.... I
| will use it to link a number of single product pages with separate folder
| structures to my web store online this way.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > No - you can not change the way FP handles the home page if you use nav bars/views
| > Whenever you use a splash page, (if your host supports subwebs) it is best to make your root web a 1 page web w/ only the splash
| > page and the main web a subweb
| > To do that,
| > Create an empty folder in your root web (say pages), and right click it to convert to web
| > Then publish your current root web to the new subweb (browse to it)
| > In the root web delete all but the splash page (using your home page file name) and the images & _private folders (delete their
| > content only) and create a link to the new subweb in your flash
| > Open the new subweb and delete the splash page (and related files)
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | I have a flash intro page called index.htm as a landing page, and a frontpage
| > | web that has a normal home page called home.htm. (template used for this)
| > |
| > | The flash intro loads when browser is directed to my domain
| > | www.e-itsolutions.com.au and then once complete directs to the home.htm page
| > | well and this is ok! and expected.
| > |
| > | The navigation menu works ok throughout the pages except, the only issue is
| > | that it allows the home page button on the nav bar/menu panel to reload the
| > | domain address which resolves as www.e-itsolutions.com.au which is the flash
| > | opening screen...
| > |
| > | I love the flash but hate for people visiting to have to keep going back
| > | there and turning off the flash to go on....
| > |
| > | Is there a way that I can hard code the Home Page of frontpage nav menu to
| > | call up www.e-itsolutions.com.au/home.htm as the home page selection on the
| > | instead of index.htm?...
| > |
| > | I would love a simple solution before I dig into html and coding with
| > | notepad again.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >

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