* Flash * I need the 50 message limit removed from my Pocket PC.


Ascended Avenger

My pocket pc seems to have a limit of 50 messages on it and will not download
the e-mail all the way. I need a way to remove the limit and get all the
e-mail at once. Please advise.

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Brian Tillman

Ascended Avenger said:
My pocket pc seems to have a limit of 50 messages on it and will not
download the e-mail all the way. I need a way to remove the limit
and get all the e-mail at once. Please advise.

What does this have to do with Outlook?

Ascended Avenger

MS Outlook is connected to the same hotmail account via the "connector"
software. (Got trouble there too... unable to access the account and don't
know why.)

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