I have embedded a small flash picture .swf presntation into a webpage.
http://www.blackcreekbaptistchurch.com/youth_new.html I pasted the code into
the code view of my page and you can see the object in the desigh mode but
when you go to preview in browser or the published page you see a border and
an tool tip that tells you to click to active the tool. I am not sure what
the problem is. Please note if per chance you can view the photos they are
of very poor quality and this is part of a dry run of the gif animator
program that I am using.
http://www.blackcreekbaptistchurch.com/youth_new.html I pasted the code into
the code view of my page and you can see the object in the desigh mode but
when you go to preview in browser or the published page you see a border and
an tool tip that tells you to click to active the tool. I am not sure what
the problem is. Please note if per chance you can view the photos they are
of very poor quality and this is part of a dry run of the gif animator
program that I am using.