I have an iBookG4, with Microsoft Office 2004 (if that figures in this
question), and an IBM flashdrive given to me by a friend. I hadn't used
the flashdrive for a week or so; tonight when I inserted it into its
port, nothing happened. Didn't light up, didn't show up on my desktop.
Same for the second port. (I tested the ports themselves by connecting
my printer to each one in turn; no problems.)
Do flashdrives just die like that? Or worse, is it possible that some
of the downloads I've installed (in response to the auto-reminder on my
Mac of current downloads available) could somehow have "refused" to
enable my flashdrive? Thanks.
question), and an IBM flashdrive given to me by a friend. I hadn't used
the flashdrive for a week or so; tonight when I inserted it into its
port, nothing happened. Didn't light up, didn't show up on my desktop.
Same for the second port. (I tested the ports themselves by connecting
my printer to each one in turn; no problems.)
Do flashdrives just die like that? Or worse, is it possible that some
of the downloads I've installed (in response to the auto-reminder on my
Mac of current downloads available) could somehow have "refused" to
enable my flashdrive? Thanks.