Flashing Words or Letters in MS Word



How do I make the words or letters flashing in MS Word or
MS Excel? For some special attention. Thanks,


It can be done but it uses up so much processor power it isn't really worth
it, also the results are jerky and not very good to look at. I think its
known as 'Bad Code'

Debra Dalgleish

In Excel, there's no built-in feature that makes words flash. You could
use programming to create the effect.

In Word, select the text, then choose Format>Font

Hank Scorpio

How do I make the words or letters flashing in MS Word or
MS Excel? For some special attention. Thanks,

Oh, you'll get special attention all right. Your readers will probably
want to strangle you. 8^> Flashing text is NOT popular.

If you REALLY want to do that, however:

In Word, go to Format -> Font... -> Text Effect (or Animation in Word

In Excel, thank the gods there's no equivalent. If you want to do
that, you could manage it with a fair chunk of VBA code, but that
would make it difficult to work with the workbook normally.


Now that you've copped enough flak on making words or letters flash, plus
been shown how to do it in Word, here is an Excel macro that toggles the
font colour in cell A1 between red and blue every second.

Sub FlashCell()
Dim aCell As Range
Set aCell = Cells(1, 1)
If aCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then
aCell.Font.ColorIndex = 5
aCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"), "FlashCell"
End Sub



Thanks to macropod for that info,

I will be able to annoy people for hours on end now! :)

One question - how do I stop it?

free :

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