Flattening OLAP/MDX datasets for OWC Chart


Avi Perez


I have been executing MDX queries with the OWC (10) chart control with some
great results. One issue that keeps coming up, however, is that queries with
multiple dimensions (crossjoins) on a given axis, come up HIERARCHICALLY in
the chart. As such, the user needs to manually manipulate the chart to
actually recreate the accompanying grid.

An example MDX against FOODMART 2000 is:

SELECT HIERARCHIZE( DISTINCT( { [Time].&[1997], [Time].&[1997].CHILDREN }))
properties dimension_unique_name ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY {
NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN( { [Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Sales Count] },
HIERARCHIZE( DISTINCT( { [Customers].[All Customers],
[Customers].[Country].&[Canada], [Customers].[Country].&[Mexico],
[Customers].[Country].&[USA],[Customers].[Country].&[USA].CHILDREN })), {
[Time].&[1997], [Time].&[1997].CHILDREN }, 2 ) } properties
dimension_unique_name ON ROWS FROM [Sales]

So my question: is there a way to "FLATTEN" the dataset, so the chart object
loads it with each and EVERY dimension. I know of techniques to do so with
ADODB server side (using MDX). But I can't effect this with OWC - I've tried
the Datasource control - but it doesn't like MDX.


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