Flesch Kincaid Index?



Felix Tang said:
Can MS Word calculate Flesch Kincaid Index or other readability index?

MS Word's Spell-Check can't even read English, so what hope does Flesch
Kincaid have???



Graham Mayor

Nonsense! You can add the readability scores by setting the option from
tools > spelling and grammar or from a macro eg

Sub Readability()
r10V = ActiveDocument.Content.ReadabilityStatistics(10).Value
r10n = ActiveDocument.Content.ReadabilityStatistics(10).Name
rdiv = " - "
ReadScore = r10n & rdiv & r10V
MsgBox ReadScore
End Sub

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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You may have missed the smiley, Graham. It was a joke.


Graham Mayor said:
Nonsense! You can add the readability scores by setting the option from
tools > spelling and grammar or from a macro eg

Pat Garard

Well now Padraig,

A little light has given me the Dickens of an idea ...

Could you be Marley's ghost?

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