Flesch Score - programmatically possible


Mike Iacovou

Hi all.

I know it is possible to get the Flesch readability ease score / grade by
checking the option in grammer & spelling, then running a spell check... the
value is displayed at the end.
Is it possible to force a 'silent' check and programmatically get this
result, or maybe run the check without it prompting user input for any found
problems... it would then run through to end stats...

ActiveDocument.ShowGrammaticalErrors = False
ActiveDocument.ShowSpellingErrors = False

makes no difference... can't seem to find much searching this group... maybe
i'm looking in the wrong place. any guidance greatly appreciated.

Mike Iacovou

many thanks. didn't try the vba help... works nicely.

what is interesting is that the stats for 'passive sentences' fails in
vba... ie

ActiveDocument.Content.ReadabilityStatistics.Item(8).Value - i get '0' for
this. In the grammar & spelling, i get 13%. Any ideas how to get this one ??

Many thanks again


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