Flickering when saving form


Glenn Suggs

Here's probably what is the most unusual thing I've ever seen Access do.
Please help if you can. I'm getting a screen flicker in code view when I go
to save a form. The flickering seems to actually be the caption of the title
bar of the code window alternating between the name of the form and
Running... (something. It's changing so fast I can't read it.) The form is
only a selection screen containing two command buttons, a toggle button, and
four combo boxes. Two of the combo boxes are initially invisible and if the
user clicks the toggle button, those two combo boxes become visible and the
other two are hidden. This, of course, is for the purposes of changing what
is selected. Anyway, when I'm in code view and click the Save button on the
toolbar, the flicker starts and it takes a while but it eventually stops and
everything "looks" normal. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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