Flight departure and arrival times in calendar



How can I enter flight departure and arrival times for a trip so they
both appear on the travel day in calendar? Right now, only the
departure time appears. The time zones are the same. The departure
time is entered for the start time, to the right of the start date.
The arrival time is
entered for the end time, to the right of the end date. In the
calendar view only the departure/start time shows. I need both times
to show, without having to make two entries.


I'd probably enter the times as part of the event title. There is a potential problem with arrival times, since one often travels to a different time zone, so that the start and end times are expressed in different time zones. To accurately reflect the length of the flight you will need to enter the two times as if they were in the same time zone. However, if you enter the times as part of the title, e.g., "United 703 to New York 8:30 AM-5:30 PM" you can express start and end times in their local time zone.


I'd probably enter the times as part of the event title. There is a potential problem with arrival times, since one often travels to a different time zone, so that the start and end times are expressed in different time zones. To accurately reflect the length of the flight you will need to enter the two times as if they were in the same time zone. However, if you enter the times as part of the title, e.g., "United 703 to New York 8:30 AM-5:30 PM" you can express start and end times in their local time zone.

You are right, the different time zones means the length of the trip
will add differently. I would think there would be an override in
computing the length of an event. There are enough options for
entering reoccuring events, I thought there was a way of computing for
flight times. Since people have been flying for several decades now,
you'd think Microsoft would have considered that into the program. I
would think 95% of customers using the calendar fly on airplanes, and
need to enter flight schedules.

Thanks for your solution.

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