flipping the document



i'd like to print my entire document backwards. what i mean by that, is that
i am planning on printing the doc onto transfer paper. then i will iron the
page onto a t-shirt. the problem is that the words have to be backwards to
read them (sort of a mirror effect).

is there any way to just print the whole document backwards? i have 20+
pages of text and objects, so i just want the simplest way to do it...

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Although there is no built-in way to do this in Word (and no satisfactory
workaround for this amount of text), there will probably be a setting in
your printer Properties to allow for it. Look for a check box labeled "Flip
horizontal," "Mirror image," or "T-shirt transfer." If you don't find such a
setting when you click the Properties button in Word's Print dialog, try
accessing the Properties through Start | Settings | Printers | <select
printer> | Properties, as that route sometimes offers an expanded Properties
dialog. Also, some printers (in the Printers folder) have a separate menu
item for Settings or Preferences that may offer this option.

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