'Floating Bars' chart type removed in 2007?



Egad! I have some office automation code that is no longer working
with Excel 2007. The main problem is that there is no longer a
definition of "Floating Bars" chart type.

Pseudo code is like:
..ActiveChart.ApplyCustomType(xlBuiltIn, "Floating Bars")

Anyone have any ideas?

Jon Peltier

The inflexible and ugly built-in custom combination charts have been removed
from Excel 2007, but you can make most any combination chart you want.

For a floating bar chart, you need two series, one for start, the other for
duration (i.e., end minus start). Create a stacked bar chart, then format
the start series to be invisible (no border, no fill). Avoid the lame 3D
effects of the old built-in custom floating bar chart from old versions of

Is anyone else amused by the "built-in custom" oxymoron?

- Jon

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