Floating Button


Luis A. Vázquez

Is it possible to have a button float, and move as the sheet scrolls
down or up?

I use a long sheet and use a button with a macro and would like it
close to the cursor.



I'm not aware of a way to do this (although there might be one). If the
button's not too big, you could just put somewhere on Row 1 and freeze Row 1
so the button stays visible. James


Well, this seems to work. Note that it changes the button location when you
change the selected cell, not when you scroll. I used a button from the
Forms toolbar. Not tested on a button from the Control toolbar. This goes
in the worksheet module (click on worksheet's tab, select View code, paste
code in there). HTH, James

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Buttons(1).Top = ActiveCell.Top
End Sub


that should be RIGHT-click on worksheet's tab

Zone said:
Well, this seems to work. Note that it changes the button location when
you change the selected cell, not when you scroll. I used a button from
the Forms toolbar. Not tested on a button from the Control toolbar. This
goes in the worksheet module (click on worksheet's tab, select View code,
paste code in there). HTH, James

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Buttons(1).Top = ActiveCell.Top
End Sub

Luis A. Vázquez

I'm not aware of a way to do this (although there might be one). If the
button's not too big, you could just put somewhere on Row 1 and freeze Row 1
so the button stays visible. James

True. Actualy thats what i did, still wanted to verify if the floating
part was possible.

thnx ZONE

Luis A. Vázquez

True. Actualy thats what i did, still wanted to verify if the floating
part was possible.

thnx ZONE

ZONE....Tried it and works fine. It will serve the purpose. Thnx


You're welcome, Luis. Thanks for the feedback. James
True. Actualy thats what i did, still wanted to verify if the floating
part was possible.

thnx ZONE

ZONE....Tried it and works fine. It will serve the purpose. Thnx


I have been looking for a similar solution, but I have several buttons along
the left-hand side of the sheet (an alphabetical letter index that filters
the sheet).

I have headers in the first row and have frozen the top row for scrolling
purposes (obviously all 26 of my buttons would not fit into the scheme
described by Zone below).

Is there no way to create free-floating buttons independent of any scrolling
within the sheet? It seems like this functionality should be available, but I
can't figure it out.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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