Floating toolbox runs crazy with spaces



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

I commonly use spaces, and usually have the floating toolbar open.

Word may be started in any space.

If I move to an application in another space (by selecting it in the dock), then the floating toolbar is moved to the new space, while the document and the app as a whole remain in the original space.

I have to turn off and on the floating toolbox to get it again in the original space, and even this does not always work

Word 2004 did not do this.

Is there any solution to this?


Thank you Clive,

I think this is not a good advice, because in the mid-long term, even short term, most of us have noc choice but to migrate to the new version, there is simly too much pressure from outside as the new office versions penetrate the market. New Office buyer will not even know about older versions.

Microsoft claims they want to be a good Mac fellow, so they should prove it. Spaces came new with Leopard, so they still have a chance to live up to their committment.



John McGhie

Hi Andre:

Sorry, but Spaces came "unannounced" in Mac OS X, and it came AFTER the
design work was completed for Office 2008.

Since it requires an architectural change to add Spaces support, it can not
be done in Word 2008. Please understand this: there is no chance -- none --
nada -- zip -- zero -- chance of getting this in Word 2008.

Sorry: But if the maker of the operating system chooses not tell its major
software vendors -- two years in advance -- about new features, it must
expect to go a full product cycle without support for them. The designs for
a typical major software package such as Office are fixed two to three years
before the software goes on sale. The design for Office Mac 2010 is
probably frozen now. There will be no changes allowed: so either Microsoft
knows now what will be in the next Mac OS, or it won't be supported in the
next version.

No software maker changes the design of its software after it goes on sale
-- that's the quickest way to be rejected by buyers in the marketplace and
go broke. And no software maker tries to add major new features with a
month to go, as Microsoft would have had to do this time -- that's the
second quickest way to go broke.

Would you like to know what is going to be in Microsoft's next major OS
release? You can download the details now, even though the product won't be
on-sale until 2010. That's what the industry expects.

Apple needs to learn that "Think different" should not apply to major
software manufacturing. Sorry, but "the world" won't change the rules for
Apple. Or Microsoft :) These "rules" were perfectly understood back in
the days of mainframes: and they haven't changed :) Microsoft made some
very ugly blunders before it learned to get this right, and now it's Apple's

So: If you are looking for someone to yell at, yell at Apple :)

Hope this helps

Thank you Clive,

I think this is not a good advice, because in the mid-long term, even short
term, most of us have noc choice but to migrate to the new version, there is
simly too much pressure from outside as the new office versions penetrate the
market. New Office buyer will not even know about older versions.

Microsoft claims they want to be a good Mac fellow, so they should prove it.
Spaces came new with Leopard, so they still have a chance to live up to their




Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Sorry, you all got it the wrong way.

I am not yelling at anyone. I just posted this to state a problem, nothing more.

I uphold my statement that sticking to Word 2004 is definitely not an option if you interact with (corporate) customers like I do. I had to migrate now.

So I will have to live with this for some time, it is annoying to have to stop and restart Word from time to time, but not more than this, it is is not a show stopper as far as I am concerned.

And I am certain this problem will be solved one day.

I was not aware this is not a MS forum, as I reached it via the Microsoft support website. I will address the problem at the right place.

Thanks everybody... and keep cool :)


John McGhie

Hi Andre:

And I am certain this problem will be solved one day.

Yes. I am pretty sure this issue will be solved in Office 2010 :)

But not in Office 2008 -- ever.

The reason I was so forceful was that we get asked this question frequently.
So I thought it best to put a definitive answer out there.

Microsoft will never be specific on this issue. So many users have waited
in vain for a fix. I am as sure as I can be (I do not work for Microsoft)
that no fix is possible in this version.

Best cheers


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


If the reason Spaces and Office don't get along so much is because Apple didn't tell MS about the feature, than how come other applications that were developed independent of the OS or even versions of applications that don't specifically support Leopard work JUST FINE with Spaces?!

John McGhie

Hi Jared:

One word: Luck! :)

If the application does not have the latest multi-layer user interface using
Sheets, it will never notice Spaces :)

The more modern/complex the application, the more likely it will have
trouble unless it is designed for a multi-layer user interface.

Hope this helps

If the reason Spaces and Office don't get along so much is because Apple
didn't tell MS about the feature, than how come other applications that were
developed independent of the OS or even versions of applications that don't
specifically support Leopard work JUST FINE with Spaces?!


Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


Best workaround I've found is to forego the formatting box, and have the tools docked to the document I'm editing at that moment (by right clicking in a blank space on the document toolbar and adding the toolbar I want). The formatting box always drove me insane anyway (I'm an XP refugee). This way you have access to everything you need but the formatting toolbar won't jump to another space to mess things up. Not a real solution, I know, but this is how I live with it.

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