Here's what I've got. I'm given a line graph charting dating on a weekly
basis over a full year. A goal line has been adding by putting the goal in a
second column, but it's the same number just repeated 60 times. Also, I've
been asked to put in a floating YTD line. Each week when the data is updated,
the YTD value will change. I want to add a line to the chart that graphically
shows this value, but it has to be a line that goes across the whole graph
and is only done with one data point. Does any of this make sense? Can anyone
tell me how to do this?
basis over a full year. A goal line has been adding by putting the goal in a
second column, but it's the same number just repeated 60 times. Also, I've
been asked to put in a floating YTD line. Each week when the data is updated,
the YTD value will change. I want to add a line to the chart that graphically
shows this value, but it has to be a line that goes across the whole graph
and is only done with one data point. Does any of this make sense? Can anyone
tell me how to do this?