Hi gjeun,
To see if it might be an add-in you can start Word in Office safe mode (hold control key when starting Word). It's not clear why
Word would kick you into Web layout view. Are these shapes you're inserting from the drawing toolbar, autoshape choices
Is thos only happening in one document or also in a new one where you want to use the drawing canvas?
You can display a grid in Word 2003 in a drawing canvas, without putting a table below (and if that table is set to 'float' then you
can get some odd effects trying to stack a canvas on it and shapes on top of that). To display the grids in your drawing canvas, or
to change the grid settings, while you're inside of the drawing canvas you can use
on the Drawing Toolbar
Draw=>Grids=>Display on screen
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your quick help! Sadly, I'm only using MS Word 2003 SP3 with
Windows XP Version 2002 because, from what I'm told, other programs/systems
in use at the organization cannot interface with newer versions of MS Word
and Windows. (I'm by far not an IT person, so that answer is all I've got
for you.)
I do not think there are any add-ins, but in truth, I don't even really know
how to find out the answer to that. =S
As for the flowchart itself, I really don't think it's a crowded one. I've
got it "on top" (as per drawing tool) of an inserted table without any text
(I just need the grid underneath).
~gjeun >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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