Melba's Jammin'
Mac OS 9.1, Entourage 2001.
Background: Due to the NEVER-ENDING (sorry, I've lost my grip)
onslaught of spam due to the Swen worm, I was forced to change my email
address. It is a minor change and involves only the insertion of a dot
between my two names and I have established a new EarthLink mail
account/mailbox with the new name. I have informed those with a need to
know. I still am using the old-format account for some correspondence.
Problem: My daughter sends me mail that she swears is addressed in the
new format. It arrives in the old format. She even deleted my name
and re-entered it in her mail address book with the new format. No
difference. She's using Windows 98, I think, and Novell GroupWise
Internet Agent mail client, v.6.0.2.
If I send something to her (from new-format address) and she replies, it
comes to the proper account.
How bizarre is this! Anyone with any ideas about why this is happening?
Any suggestions she might try? Sorry if this is the wrong place for the
inquiry; please advise as to the correct group. TIA. -Barb
Background: Due to the NEVER-ENDING (sorry, I've lost my grip)
onslaught of spam due to the Swen worm, I was forced to change my email
address. It is a minor change and involves only the insertion of a dot
between my two names and I have established a new EarthLink mail
account/mailbox with the new name. I have informed those with a need to
know. I still am using the old-format account for some correspondence.
Problem: My daughter sends me mail that she swears is addressed in the
new format. It arrives in the old format. She even deleted my name
and re-entered it in her mail address book with the new format. No
difference. She's using Windows 98, I think, and Novell GroupWise
Internet Agent mail client, v.6.0.2.
If I send something to her (from new-format address) and she replies, it
comes to the proper account.
How bizarre is this! Anyone with any ideas about why this is happening?
Any suggestions she might try? Sorry if this is the wrong place for the
inquiry; please advise as to the correct group. TIA. -Barb