Folder List shows old user name on mailbox


Roshan Qureshi

I have a user running Outlook 2000. The backend is Exchange 2000 running on
Windows 2000 in a Windows 2000 domain with Active Directory. The user in
question started out as a temp and had an account with a username of "temp1"
and a display name of "Temp 1"; when the user was hired, the account's
username was changed to "username" and the display name to "User Name".

Everything in AD and Outlook is working with the new username/display name,
but one minor annoyance remains: in the Outlook Folder List, the user's
mailbox still displays "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - Temp 1]" rather than the
desired "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - User Name]". Can this be fixed, and if
so, how?


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Roshan Qureshi said:
I have a user running Outlook 2000. The backend is Exchange 2000
running on Windows 2000 in a Windows 2000 domain with Active
Directory. The user in question started out as a temp and had an
account with a username of "temp1" and a display name of "Temp 1";
when the user was hired, the account's username was changed to
"username" and the display name to "User Name".

Everything in AD and Outlook is working with the new username/display
name, but one minor annoyance remains: in the Outlook Folder List,
the user's mailbox still displays "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - Temp
1]" rather than the desired "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - User Name]".
Can this be fixed, and if so, how?


Modify the mail profile (remove/add back in the Exchange mailbox, etc) and
it should update.

Roshan Qureshi

Thank you! That worked perfectly.


"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Roshan Qureshi said:
I have a user running Outlook 2000. The backend is Exchange 2000
running on Windows 2000 in a Windows 2000 domain with Active
Directory. The user in question started out as a temp and had an
account with a username of "temp1" and a display name of "Temp 1";
when the user was hired, the account's username was changed to
"username" and the display name to "User Name".

Everything in AD and Outlook is working with the new username/display
name, but one minor annoyance remains: in the Outlook Folder List,
the user's mailbox still displays "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - Temp
1]" rather than the desired "Outlook Today - [Mailbox - User Name]".
Can this be fixed, and if so, how?


Modify the mail profile (remove/add back in the Exchange mailbox, etc) and
it should update.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Roshan Qureshi said:
Thank you! That worked perfectly.
Glad to help.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Roshan Qureshi said:
I have a user running Outlook 2000. The backend is Exchange 2000
running on Windows 2000 in a Windows 2000 domain with Active
Directory. The user in question started out as a temp and had an
account with a username of "temp1" and a display name of "Temp 1";
when the user was hired, the account's username was changed to
"username" and the display name to "User Name".

Everything in AD and Outlook is working with the new
username/display name, but one minor annoyance remains: in the
Outlook Folder List, the user's mailbox still displays "Outlook
Today - [Mailbox - Temp 1]" rather than the desired "Outlook Today
- [Mailbox - User Name]". Can this be fixed, and if so, how?


Modify the mail profile (remove/add back in the Exchange mailbox,
etc) and it should update.

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