Folder list shows 'Personal Folders' twice...



I've just installed Office 2003 and Outlook is doing everything fine except I
see 'Personal Folders' twice in my folders list.
I don't have any other .pst files open - how can I get rid of this duplicate

I even tried deleting my pst file and starting Outlook again so it would re-
create it. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.


Many thanks! I will try it this evening!!!
A corrupt profile, close OL and use the mail applet in control panel
I've just installed Office 2003 and Outlook is doing everything fine except I
see 'Personal Folders' twice in my folders list.
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
I even tried deleting my pst file and starting Outlook again so it would re-
create it. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

HeadOffice via

Had to delete all profiles (after backing up my original pst file). Created
everything from scratch and imported my conytacts, calendar & email from

Perfect!!!!!! Thanks again!

Now, if we could just get a patch to let us format the phone numbers for
contacts in our own way (regardless of how it's stored internally) I'd be a
happy man.

A corrupt profile, close OL and use the mail applet in control panel
I've just installed Office 2003 and Outlook is doing everything fine except I
see 'Personal Folders' twice in my folders list.
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
I even tried deleting my pst file and starting Outlook again so it would re-
create it. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.


Deleting a profile doesnt delete the pst

HeadOffice via said:
Had to delete all profiles (after backing up my original pst file). Created
everything from scratch and imported my conytacts, calendar & email from

Perfect!!!!!! Thanks again!

Now, if we could just get a patch to let us format the phone numbers for
contacts in our own way (regardless of how it's stored internally) I'd be a
happy man.

A corrupt profile, close OL and use the mail applet in control panel
I've just installed Office 2003 and Outlook is doing everything fine except I
see 'Personal Folders' twice in my folders list.
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
I even tried deleting my pst file and starting Outlook again so it would re-
create it. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

Brian Tillman

HeadOffice said:
I've just installed Office 2003 and Outlook is doing everything fine
except I see 'Personal Folders' twice in my folders list.
I don't have any other .pst files open - how can I get rid of this
duplicate entry?

New mail profile.
I even tried deleting my pst file and starting Outlook again so it
would re- create it. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

That WON'T cause Outlook to recreate it. It may have Outlook give you a
chance to recreate it, though.

Brian Tillman

HeadOffice via said:
Had to delete all profiles (after backing up my original pst file).
Created everything from scratch and imported my conytacts, calendar &
email from backup.

Never import from a PST. You lose data that way. Just reuse the PST my
clicking the Data Files button in the Mail applet of Control Panel.

HeadOffice via

Actually, I didn't lose anything on the import. I must have been lucky (Karma
for putting up with the problems earlier).
All's working well now (except for that pesky phone number formatting).

HeadOffice via

True enough, it tried to called it outlook1.pst but that would have driven me
crazy. so i renamed my old one - created a new outlook.pst and did the import.
all nice and neat now. thanks...

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