CSIMechanicsville via AccessMonster.com
I was wondering if anyone else has had any problems in using the Folder /
FileSystemObject objects in VBA in Access 2007? I have a line of code that
has worked without complaint in A2000 & A2003, but when A2007 executes it, it
gives a '13 - Type Mismatch' error.
The line of code that is causing trouble in A2007 is:
Set fo = f.GetFolder("C:\MyStuff") [Where fo is a Folder object & f is a
Any input is appreciated.
Thank you.
FileSystemObject objects in VBA in Access 2007? I have a line of code that
has worked without complaint in A2000 & A2003, but when A2007 executes it, it
gives a '13 - Type Mismatch' error.
The line of code that is causing trouble in A2007 is:
Set fo = f.GetFolder("C:\MyStuff") [Where fo is a Folder object & f is a
Any input is appreciated.
Thank you.