I have a website up and running for some time now. I have recently uplaoded
about 2.5 gigs of audio files into some folders in the root directory. I have
embedded a media player into specific pages so that these files can be
listened to. I am also selling these files via download from a merchant
account. None of my merchant info is in my root directory.
I was viewing my logs and found that people are viewing the content of these
folder that the audio files are contained in. So why sell them when people
are most likely downloading them staight to their computer off my site right.
I have stuffed them all into my _private folder for the time being until I
can figure out a game plan. Any suggestions as to how I can secure up these
files, but yet gain third party access to them through my media player html
about 2.5 gigs of audio files into some folders in the root directory. I have
embedded a media player into specific pages so that these files can be
listened to. I am also selling these files via download from a merchant
account. None of my merchant info is in my root directory.
I was viewing my logs and found that people are viewing the content of these
folder that the audio files are contained in. So why sell them when people
are most likely downloading them staight to their computer off my site right.
I have stuffed them all into my _private folder for the time being until I
can figure out a game plan. Any suggestions as to how I can secure up these
files, but yet gain third party access to them through my media player html