Folder via config file?



Is there a file containing the directory structure of a one install. Not the
application files themselves...but the file containg the folder, sections,
and tab structure...
And... can this be edited directly?
What I'm trying to do is move the upper tabs (sections) into a different
order. For example...the tabs may be..

A, D, B, C .. and I want to arrange them into
A, B C, D,
Is this possible?

Erik Sojka

It's a combination of objects in the filesystem and a binary config file that
determines the placement of object in the Onenote hierarchy.

Objects and folders in the filesystem can be directly manipulated in
Explorer or via a script/batch file. Look in C:\Documents and
Settings\<yourname>\My Documents\My Notebook.

The two files that OneNote uses, "OneNote Table Of Contents.onetoc" and
*.ONE section files contain (among other things) a lot of information about
the placement of sections in a folder and of pages within a section. They
are binary files whose contents should not be directly edited.

Having said all of that, your best bet is to use the tools withine OneNote
to place the pages/sections in the order you want. Right-click the tab you
want to move and select "Move..." from the contect menu.


Thanks Eric..
If it would have been a snake......
That's exactly what I was looking for. Although I move the tabs on the
right hand side, I had never thought about right clicking on the top. I only
tried drag/drop.
AND...I had never noticed the "move to this location" placeholder. Doh!!!
thanks again.

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