Folders and SUb-folders in Microsoft Outlook 2003



I have created a main folder with a number subfolders associated with the
main folder. I have set up rules to move mail into the sub-folders and
currently have 'Show number of unread items' selected as default on the

I only want to move the main folder into my favorites list (as moving all
the sub folders will overcrowd the window). Is there any way of showing
'Number of unread items' against the main folder which refelects unread
emails in the sub-folders?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

You should ask this in an Outlook group for a better answer. This group
supports OneNote.

Showing the number of unread items only works on the current folder, and
not the subfolders. Creating a "search folder" (check the Outlook 2003 help
for that term) might help you display a count of items in a series of
nested folders.

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