Folders in address Book


Address Book

Can I manage the folder Order in Address book. Like when I start writting a
new email and click TO for choosing the address from Address book. It takes
me to Golbal Address option and I have to Scroll down and have to search the
Contact folder and then Select the specific Address.. is there any way that I
can set Contact folder by default. Everytime I clik TO button it should take
me to CONTACT folder instead Global Addresses??


Address Book said:
Can I manage the folder Order in Address book. Like when I start writting
new email and click TO for choosing the address from Address book. It
me to Golbal Address option and I have to Scroll down and have to search
Contact folder and then Select the specific Address.. is there any way
that I
can set Contact folder by default. Everytime I clik TO button it should
me to CONTACT folder instead Global Addresses??

And your question about WORD is?

Terry Farrell

It depends on which version of Outlook you are using and whether you have an
exchange server or not. The simple answer is yes - but how depends on the
version too. Better ask this in the Outlook Newsgroup and tell them the
versions of Outlook, OS and Exchange.

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