Ah. Would have been simpler if you'd said, "Entourage shouldn't let me
make folders with the plus sign in their names."
Remember, the problem occurs between Exchange Server 2007 and Entourage
2008. If you have this setup then Microsoft encourages you to upgrade to
the Web Services Edition of Entourage, which doesn't have this problem.
To paraphrase something Col. Blake said on MASH many years ago:
They are two rules of software. Rule number one is that Microsoft
products have bugs. Rule number two is that MVPs can't change rule
number one.
You are absolutely right that it would make sense for Microsoft to have
prevented you from making folders that it can't deal with. However,
there is not much we can do about it except suggest workarounds or make
suggestions to Microsoft. Note that MVPs don't work for Microsoft; we
are just users who like to answer questions. Many times, we are
frustrated with same issues that you are. For example, for a long time,
I wasn't getting my regular SPAM notification from our SPAM filter
because the subject had a + sign it. That was frustrating.
David M. Marcovitz
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland