


It is nice to be able to set up default stationary for sections, but it would
be really nice to be able to set up and save types of folders with preset
sections already in them.

For example, I am an attorney. Every time I set up a client folder, I have
to go through the process of setting up the documents section, general
information section, billing section ... and so on. It would be so nice to
just save a "client info" folder type and be able to use it over and over

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Your product is interesting, however, I have already developed a zillion
templates for my own practice. All I really need from OneNote is the ability
to create a blank client folder and to easily link to the documents that I
have already created in Word, WordPerfect or PDF.


And, I think I discovered a workaround for my particular problem.

In my root "My Notebook" directory, I created a folder called "Blank Folders
and Forms".

Then, I set up folders for bill statements, clients, just whatever I
normally use (for example, rather than keep paper copies of all of my bills,
I keep a folder for each with subfolders for each year, and a section in each
subfolder for the months. Then I scan each bill directly into OneNote where
I can mark them as paid, or highlight them .... whatever).

Then, because I can't do this in OneNote, if I want to set up a new folder
for statements for a new bill, I hop over to Microsoft Explorer and copy that
directory to the new location and give it a new name.

However, it is imperative that you make sure that hidden files are selected
to show up so that the table of contents file is also selected for the move.
That way, my new sections (January through December) all show up in the
intended order.

While it would be lovely to be able to do all of this inside OneNote, at
least having this workaround saves me from the necessity of recreating the
entire folder and section structure for each item that I want to add to my

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