Tom Conrad
This post is a follow on question to a post from LisaR on 8/15/07.
In LisaR's post she asked for help with a print macro to allow users to
print slides during an active presenation.
LisaR's macro allowed her user to print the current slide while the slide
show was running. Several respondents helped LisaR modify the macro to print
all of the slides in the presentation with a single click of an action
button. LisaR's orginal macro:
ActivePresentation.PrintOptions.RangeType = ppPrintCurrent
End Sub
Modified to print all slides
Sub prnt1()
' print all slides in presentation during an active presentation
ActivePresentation.PrintOptions.RangeType = ppPrintAll
End Sub
My question-
I have a PPT 2003 presentation with several triggered animations.
The animations allow the user to interactively display a complex timeline.
I would like to modify the prevous print macro to print the current slide as
currently displayed.
For example, my slide has 8 triggered animation objects displayed along a
non-animated timeline (grouped object). My user can interactively select
multiple objects for display and comparision.
If my user selects 4 of 8 objects, I would like the user to be able to print
the selected slide state (print static background with only the 4 currently
selected objects). The current macro would print the slide with the static
background and all 8 objects.
In LisaR's post she asked for help with a print macro to allow users to
print slides during an active presenation.
LisaR's macro allowed her user to print the current slide while the slide
show was running. Several respondents helped LisaR modify the macro to print
all of the slides in the presentation with a single click of an action
button. LisaR's orginal macro:
' print current slide during an active presentationSub prnt()
ActivePresentation.PrintOptions.RangeType = ppPrintCurrent
End Sub
Modified to print all slides
Sub prnt1()
' print all slides in presentation during an active presentation
ActivePresentation.PrintOptions.RangeType = ppPrintAll
End Sub
My question-
I have a PPT 2003 presentation with several triggered animations.
The animations allow the user to interactively display a complex timeline.
I would like to modify the prevous print macro to print the current slide as
currently displayed.
For example, my slide has 8 triggered animation objects displayed along a
non-animated timeline (grouped object). My user can interactively select
multiple objects for display and comparision.
If my user selects 4 of 8 objects, I would like the user to be able to print
the selected slide state (print static background with only the 4 currently
selected objects). The current macro would print the slide with the static
background and all 8 objects.